shadow -
I'm not sure why you would attack my efforts to help independent investigators get more information about this and other cases in the area.
And, yes! I have an agenda. But I doubt it has anything to do with what you are accusing me of promoting. If you consider yourself an honest-hearted person who cares about the personal safety of Jehovah's Witnesses and their children, you should be offering your support - not trying to accuse me of ulterior motives.
I simply want to connect investigators and journalists to anyone who might be able to provide some background and maybe some leads that have been missed on the Heichl / Holt case and another that involves the same area.
During and after Ms. Heichl's funeral the JW elders, friends and family were all over the local newscasts. Their words were guarded, but always positive toward the Watchtower and the JW members of the local congregations. As sad as this case was, dozens of locals were willing to be interviewed on TV and by the press during the week or two after the case broke. But after the funeral, investigators and reporters have been thwarted in their attempts to get more background information. As expected, the JWs have returned to their usual policy of maintaining a "conspiracy of silence."
That's my agenda. I just want to help the investigators find additional sources so that they can report on the broader story. I have other prominent ex-JWs working on this with me as well. Why? Because we feel it is absolutely imperative that the truth (not "The Truth(TM)") get out.
I would urge any active JW of the Gresham OR Kingdom Hall to please make yourself known and come forward to offer your help in honor of the memory of Whitney Heichl.